Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mash Ups (week 10)

Since I don't have access to any of my own photos at work, I by passed Big Huge Labs for this exercise and went for a Google maps mash instead, adding this understated review of a certain Blaxland landmark. I would like to point out however that the typo in the title is not mine. How could Google get it so wrong? Baxland??? Where is that? Anyway, it is a bit of worry that anyone searching for Blaxland Library in Google Maps can read this review, but there you go- the internet is a scary, wonderful and unreliable place.

So what can mash ups offer the library? Well, apart from a bit of free advertising (heh heh), I guess we will have to wait and see how creative people can be. I can't think of anything that has blown me away yet, but it is early days...

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