This picture from Flickr really reminded me of the film To Kill a Mockingbird. The memory of Scout's Halloween ham costume has been deeply and indelibly etched on my mind and on my psyche, and I really think that it has had a permanent effect* on my sense of humour and my sense of style. It also brings up a painful memory- my mother slaved away making a Christmas tree halloween costume one year (it was probably 1977, and it really was a fabulous costume), and I seem to remember refusing to wear it to go candy collecting. Yes, we lived in America then, and candy collecting was big business. Luckily my older sister wore it, and now she has been imortalised forever in that photo... Anyway, I was obviously a snot-nosed ingrate and deserved to stay at home locked in my room. I don't think that is how the story ended however... Ah, memories.
Anyway, another week down, and the end of my learning journey is one step closer. Flickr is a lot of fun to peruse, but I can't imagine uploading images to it. I guess I am too lazy for a start, and I don't really have any particular need for it. I sometimes get sent an email with a link to family photos on Picasa, and I guess it is good having the choice whether to view or not, without having all of those unsolicited downloads.
* note- I have just worked out why everyone is using the word impact these days! They can't remember whether to use effect or affect, and have opted for impact instead so as not to make a terrible grammatical blunder...
* note- I have just worked out why everyone is using the word impact these days! They can't remember whether to use effect or affect, and have opted for impact instead so as not to make a terrible grammatical blunder...